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Our Board.

Farm Bureau is a grassroots, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. The OFB Board of Directors is comprised entirely of volunteer leaders, 22 family farmers and ranchers who take time away from their fields and/or animals to protect, promote, and strengthen Oregon agriculture. They represent a wide variety of ag commodities, farming methods, and operation sizes. And they believe that Oregon agriculture is strongest when united and speaking with one voice in the legislature, within government agencies, in the courts, and with the public. We appreciate the passion, dedication, and hard work of these Farm Bureau leaders!

  • President Angela Bailey owns a nursery specializing in Japanese maples in Multnomah County.

  • 1st VP Brian Glaser farms grass seed, small grains, and a variety of specialty crops in Linn County

  • 2nd VP Shane Otley raises cattle and alfalfa hay and does custom hay work in Harney County.

  • 3rd VP John Zielinski grows pears, apples, peaches, hazelnuts, and has a farm-direct business in Marion County.

  • 4th VP Jacque Duyck Magwood grows blackberries, blueberries, grass seed, clover seed, sugar beet seed and wheat.

  • Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee Chair Roy Hofer.

  • Matt Wood, Region 1 (Gilliam, Morrow, Umatilla Counties) is a wheat farmer from Umatilla County.

  • Dennis Myrhum, Region 2 (Baker, Union, Wallowa Counties) is a farmer from Baker County.

  • Steven Hammond, Region 3 (Grant, Harney Counties) is a cattle rancher and hay grower from Harney County.

  • Lyndon Kerns, Region 4 (Klamath, Lake Counties) raises cattle, hay, and grain in Klamath County.

  • Wade Flegel, Region 5 (Crook, Deschutes, Jefferson, Wheeler Counties) raises cattle, hay, wheat, and hybrid carrot seed in Crook County.

  • Mike McCarthy, Region 6 (Hood River, Sherman, Wasco Counties) is a pear, apple, and cherry orchardist from Hood River County.

  • Jon Iverson, Region 7 (Clackamas, Multnomah Counties) grows grass seed, cover crop seed, industrial hemp, and tulips.

  • Carol Marie Leuthold, Region 8 (Clatsop, Tillamook Counties) is a dairy farmer from Tillamook County.

  • Jeff Bernards, Region 9 (Polk, Yamhill Counties) raises cattle, chickens, alfalfa, and orchard grass. 

  • Tim Miller, Region 10 (Benton, Lincoln, Linn Counties) raises timber and cattle and has a small u-cut Christmas tree operation in Lincoln County.

  • Ron Bjork, Region 11 (Jackson, Josephine Counties) raises cattle, hay, and sugar beet for seed in Jackson County.

  • Kevin Westfall, Region 12 (Coos, Curry Counties) raises cattle, hay, and timber in Coos County.

  • Dan Andersen, Region 13 (Malheur County) is a cattle rancher from Malheur County.

  • Andy Duyck, Region 14 (Columbia, Washington Counties) grows grass seed, hay, and crimson clover, and is a hobby beekeeper from Washington County.

  • Bruce Chapin, Region 15 (Marion County) is a hazelnut and cherry farmer in Marion County.

  • Matthew Brady, Region 16 (Lane, Douglas Counties) raises sheep, hay, and timber, and has a u-pick pumpkin patch in Douglas County.

  • Staci Lynn Simonich is OFB’s ex officio representative for Oregon State University.

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(503) 399 -1701

General Inquiries: (503) 399-1701

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