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About Oregon Farm Bureau

Oregon Farm Bureau is a grassroots, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization representing the depth and breadth of Oregon’s diverse agricultural community. We give a voice to farm and ranch families at the Capitol, in the courts, and within regulatory agencies.

Farm Bureau is Oregon’s most inclusive agriculture organization. Over 6,600 Farm Bureau member families raise all of Oregon’s 250+ agricultural commodities, from hops to hazelnuts, cattle to caneberries. All farm and ranch sizes — from 10 acres to 10,000 acres — and all farming methods — organic, conventional, biotech, and no-tech — are welcome and invited to join. We believe Oregon’s agriculture community is strongest when we’re united.

Agriculture is distinctive in that nearly every aspect of public policy impacts farmers’ and ranchers’ ability to do their jobs and remain vital, viable, and sustainable. These include rules, regulations, and red tape in the realms of taxes, transportation, water, wildlife, land use, labor, environment, energy, and many more.

With less than 1% of Oregonians who are farmers and ranchers today, Farm Bureau gives our members a strong, united, respected voice in the political and regulatory arenas. We help farm and ranch families stay in business and keep doing the job they love.

Farm Bureau also helps the general public understand more about agriculture and the people who raise our food, foliage, fiber, and fuel.

With roots at the county level dating back to 1919, Oregon Farm Bureau was established as a statewide organization in 1932. Today with nearly 6,600 farming and ranching members raising over 250+ different types of crops and livestock, Farm Bureau is the state’s largest general agriculture organization.

The county Farm Bureau is the foundation for Farm Bureau at the state and national levels. Oregon has 32 organized, active County Farm Bureaus covering all 36 Oregon counties. Each county Farm Bureau has its own board and officers and is a vital link between the organization’s membership, policy development, and implementation efforts.

Farm Bureau employs a time-tested, open, democratic annual grassroots process to reach its public policy positions. The ultimate goal is the survival and success of the family farm and ranch in Oregon.

Among Farm Bureau’s core principles are open, democratic, and transparent processes of governing, finance, and policymaking; equal opportunity; the importance of family; and above all, power resting in the hands of voting members.

OFB is part of the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF), a member-funded, politically independent federation of nearly 3,000 county Farm Bureaus throughout the United States and Puerto Rico.

Man in Farm

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1320 Capitol St. NE, Suite 200 Salem, OR 97301

Membership Inquiries:

(503) 399 -1701

General Inquiries: (503) 399-1701

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