OFB Social Media
Oregon Farm Bureau Social Media Guidelines
OFB is proud to share our story on Facebook (@ofbinfo), Twitter (@orefarmbureau), Instagram (@oregonfarmbureau), and YouTube (@oregonfarmbureau). We welcome anyone interested in learning more about Farm Bureau, our members, our public policy positions, and Oregon agriculture. Have questions about something? Please email austin@oregonfb.org.
Most of the following guidelines are common sense, and we thank you for your cooperation and your interest in Oregon Farm Bureau (OFB)!
Don’t do anything that breaks the law.
Be polite, courteous, and respectful, even if you disagree on an issue. Name-calling, profanity, fighting words, discriminatory epithets, sexual harassment, bullying, gruesome language, or the like will not be tolerated.
We reserve the right to remove comments that:
Contain threats, abusive language, or suggest violence to an individual or group;
• Contain or suggest obscenity, pornography, or profanity;
• Contain defamatory statements;
• Contain personal attacks or insulting statements directed toward an individual (including the use of derogatory names);
• Contain personal information;
• Promote, foster, or perpetuate discrimination based on race, color, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, age, religion, disability or marital status;
• Promote or endorse products, services, or businesses;
• Are unrelated to the topic being discussed.
If engaging in a discussion on OFB’s platforms, please stay on topic. Keep the conversation relevant to the community and contribute to the dialogue. We reserve the right to remove content that is off-topic, out of context, spam, promotional, or links to third-party sites.
Keep it real. All wall postings should come from a real person and Facebook profile. Postings from fake or anonymous profiles will be deleted when discovered.
Oregon Farm Bureau is not responsible for the content posted by others, and the hosting of user comments on this page does not constitute endorsement or approval of those comments.
Any comments in violation of this policy may be removed without notice. Repeated violations of this policy may result in the suspension of the privilege to post and/or view information on our social media pages.